Home Small pets Treats Vitakraft Hamster Honey Bars Vitakraft Vitakraft Hamster Honey Bars 4 4 reviews Vitakfraft bars with honey for hamstersFood energy and healthy with honey made with high-quality seeds. See full description Units 2x56 g 26kr. 232kr./KG Order 2 units, don't run out of it x1 26kr. 26kr./unit x2 -1kr. 51kr. 25kr. last unit x3 -1kr. 77kr. 25kr. last unit x5 -1kr. 129kr. 25kr. last unit Buy it with... Vitakraft Mineral Stone Rodents 168 g 168 GR 21kr. Trixie Game Wheel for Rodents 7 cm 24kr. Jr Farm Flores De Jardin Para Chinchillas 50 GR 26kr. Features Vitakraft Hamster Honey Bars Reference4008239257505 BrandVitakraft Weight112 GR Units2 Product RangeVitakraft Kräcker Snacks ShapeSticks FlavorFruits, Honey, Fruits of the forest Small Animal TypeHamsters Format2x56 g Description Vitakraft Hamster Honey Bars Customer Reviews Vitakraft Hamster Honey Bars 4 Stars | 4 reviews 5 Stars 50% 4 Stars 25% 3 Stars 0% 2 Stars 25% 1 Stars 0% Write a review Reviews in other countries barritas de toda la vida Lo comía muy bien, y se entretienen con ello. las barritas bien, está interesante que haya distintos sabores, a mi hámster le han gustado bastante pero tampoco se ha vuelto loco, el servicio ésta vez, mejor que otras See all customer reviews Related categories Treats for small pets Treats Vitakraft for small pets Treats vitakraft kräcker for small pets Treats sticks for small pets Treats fruits for small pets Treats fruits of the forest for small pets Treats honey for small pets Treats hamsters for small pets Standard price 26kr. Autoship order How does it work? Save in your Autoship deliveries! + info -5% In stock We recommend you see these alternatives with a delivery date confirmed by the supplier. - + Add to cart Save purchasing more than 1 unit Prices valid for today
las barritas bien, está interesante que haya distintos sabores, a mi hámster le han gustado bastante pero tampoco se ha vuelto loco, el servicio ésta vez, mejor que otras