Home Small pets Food Supplements Dolfos RodeVit Multi Dolfos Dolfos RodeVit Multi Multi RodeVit drink Properties RodeVit Multi drink is a selection & oacute; n of vitamins and minerals soluble in water. Form L & iacute; quida feed ensures absorption & oacute; n r & aacute;. Ask The product components complement the defi scien ... See full description Weight 150 GR Check availability Notify me Order 2 units, don't run out of it Buy it with... Vitakraft Mineral Stone Rodents 168 g 168 GR 21kr. Trixie Straw rope to gnaw 20 cm 24kr. Jr Farm Flores De Jardin Para Chinchillas 50 GR 26kr. Features Dolfos RodeVit Multi Reference5902232646092 Weight150 GR Units1 FormatPowder TypeVitamins and minerals Small Animal TypeRabbits, Rats and Mice, Squirrels BrandDolfos Description Dolfos RodeVit Multi Customer Reviews Dolfos RodeVit Multi Write a review