Home Dogs Dog Clothes Coats and capes Ruffwear Cloud Chaser Soft Shell Jacket Forest Green Ruffwear Ruffwear Cloud Chaser Soft Shell Jacket Forest Green The Cloud Chaser Soft-Shell Dog Jacket from Ruffwear protects against rain, snow, wind and cold so you and your canine companion can extend your activities in inclement weather. See full description Size XXS Check availability Notify me L Check availability Notify me XS Check availability Notify me XL Check availability Notify me S Check availability Notify me M Check availability Notify me Order 2 units, don't run out of it Features Ruffwear Cloud Chaser Soft Shell Jacket Forest Green Reference748960090340 ColorGreen SizeXS, XL, S, L, XXS, M BrandRuffwear ColorsGreen MaterialsPoliéster Dog SizeSmall, Medium, Maxi TypeJacket CharacteristicsWaterproof Description Ruffwear Cloud Chaser Soft Shell Jacket Forest Green Customer Reviews Ruffwear Cloud Chaser Soft Shell Jacket Forest Green Write a review