Home Dogs Dog Clothes Coats and capes Ruffwear Float Coat Sockeye Red Ruffwear Ruffwear Float Coat Sockeye Red A fully-featured life jacket built with time-proven, abrasion-resistant materials See full description Size XXS Check availability Notify me XS Check availability Notify me XL Check availability Notify me S Check availability Notify me M Check availability Notify me Order 2 units, don't run out of it Features Ruffwear Float Coat Sockeye Red Reference748960584238 SizeXS, XL, S, XXS, M BrandRuffwear ColorsRed Dog SizeSmall, Medium, Maxi, Giant CharacteristicsLife vests Color Description Ruffwear Float Coat Sockeye Red Customer Reviews Ruffwear Float Coat Sockeye Red Write a review