Home Dogs Dog Clothes Sweaters and hoodies Freedog Jersey Nature Blue Freedog Freedog Jersey Nature Blue 5 1 review Jersey Nature, one of the best options for your dog to maintain its body heat during those cold days. It is a very comfortable garment for them, easy to wear and a way to always be in the latest fashion. Various colors and sizes.Nature sweater, one o ... See full description Size 15 cm 60kr. 400kr./M 20 cm 63kr. 315kr./M 30 cm Check availability Notify me 35 cm Check availability Notify me 25 cm 68kr. 272kr./M Order 2 units, don't run out of it x1 60kr. 60kr./unit x2 -1kr. 119kr. 59kr. last unit x3 -2kr. 178kr. 58kr. last unit x5 -3kr. 297kr. 57kr. last unit x1 63kr. 63kr./unit x2 -1kr. 125kr. 62kr. last unit x3 -2kr. 187kr. 61kr. last unit x5 -3kr. 312kr. 60kr. last unit x1 68kr. 68kr./unit x2 -1kr. 135kr. 67kr. last unit x3 -2kr. 202kr. 66kr. last unit x5 -3kr. 337kr. 65kr. last unit Features Freedog Jersey Nature Blue Reference8429083028824 ColorBlue Size15 cm, 25 cm, 30 cm, 35 cm, 20 cm ColorsBlue BrandFreedog Dog SizeSmall, Medium, Maxi, Giant TypeJersey Seasonwinter Description Freedog Jersey Nature Blue Customer Reviews Freedog Jersey Nature Blue 5 Stars | 1 reviews 5 Stars 100% 4 Stars 0% 3 Stars 0% 2 Stars 0% 1 Stars 0% Write a review Reviews in other countries Muy bonito. Queda perfecto Related categories Dog Clothes for dogs Dog Clothes Freedog for dogs Dog Clothes winter for dogs Sweaters and hoodies for dogs Sweaters and hoodies Freedog for dogs Sweaters and hoodies blue for dogs Sweaters and hoodies giant for dogs Sweaters and hoodies maxi for dogs Sweaters and hoodies medium for dogs Sweaters and hoodies small for dogs Sweaters and hoodies jersey for dogs Standard price 60kr. Autoship order How does it work? Save in your Autoship deliveries! + info -5% available We recommend you see these alternatives with a delivery date confirmed by the supplier. - + Add to cart Save purchasing more than 1 unit Prices valid for today