Home Cats Treats Biscuits Sanal Bote Cat Salmon Bites Sanal Sanal Bote Cat Salmon Bites 5 3 reviews Bote Salmon Bites is a delicious heart-shaped cat snack formulated with Norwegian Salmon, rich in vitamins and minerals. It is a delicious treat that your cat will love. This product helps to keep your pet's skin and coat looking shiny and healthy. S ... See full description Weight 75 GR 34kr. 453kr./KG Order 2 units, don't run out of it x1 34kr. 34kr./unit x2 -1kr. 67kr. 33kr. last unit x3 -1kr. 101kr. 33kr. last unit x5 -2kr. 168kr. 32kr. last unit Buy it with... Inaba Churu Tuna with Salmon Recipe 4x14 gr 16kr. You may also like Dentalife Salmon Snack for Oral Care for Cats 40 GR (43) 3+1 13kr. Add to my Autoship Order Select an Autoship to add this product. Add to cart PlaqueOff Food Supplement Against Bad Breath for Dogs and Cats (21) options: 40 GR - 180 GR - 420 GR - 60 GR 169kr. See options Features Sanal Bote Cat Salmon Bites Reference8711908157506 BrandSanal Weight75 GR FlavorFish Special Cares Type Description Sanal Bote Cat Salmon Bites Customer Reviews Sanal Bote Cat Salmon Bites 5 Stars | 3 reviews 5 Stars 67% 4 Stars 33% 3 Stars 0% 2 Stars 0% 1 Stars 0% Write a review Reviews in other countries Ainda bem que chegou mais cedo do que eu esperava. A mis gatas les chiflan pero se los dosificamos porque si no, pasan del pienso seco a mi gato le encantan desde el primer momento, es muy goloso con los snacks y estos son unos de sus favoritos, y es muy especial con lo nuevos sabores Related categories Treats for cats Treats Sanal for cats Treats fish for cats Biscuits for cats Biscuits Sanal for cats Biscuits fish for cats Biscuits for cats Biscuits for cats Standard price 34kr. Autoship order How does it work? Save in your Autoship deliveries! + info -5% In stock We recommend you see these alternatives with a delivery date confirmed by the supplier. - + Add to cart Exclusive online price Prices valid for today
a mi gato le encantan desde el primer momento, es muy goloso con los snacks y estos son unos de sus favoritos, y es muy especial con lo nuevos sabores