Home Cats Toys Plush & Feather Toys KONG Hedgehog KONG KONG Hedgehog 5 2 reviews These soft and snuggly plush catnip toys have a reclosable pouch to hold fresh catnip securely in place. The toys include a generous amount of KONG’s premium North American catnip in a reclosable vial. When the catnip scent starts to fade, sim ... See full description Brand Talla Única 45kr. Order 2 units, don't run out of it x1 45kr. 45kr./unit x2 -1kr. 89kr. 44kr. last unit x3 -1kr. 134kr. 44kr. last unit x5 -2kr. 223kr. 43kr. last unit Buy it with... KONG Catnip cat PDQ 2,5 gr 14kr. KONG Naturals Catnip Spray 30 ml 53kr. Musqui Happy Watermelon Plush with Sound for Dogs 19x15 cm 64kr. Features KONG Hedgehog Reference0035585011461 BrandKONG ColorsBeige, Brown SizeTalla Única CharacteristicsWith catnip TypePlushies Product RangeKONG Cats Description KONG Hedgehog Customer Reviews KONG Hedgehog 5 Stars | 2 reviews 5 Stars 100% 4 Stars 0% 3 Stars 0% 2 Stars 0% 1 Stars 0% Write a review Reviews in other countries Excelente! Après plusieurs mois, mes chats se frottent toujours avec plaisir à ce petit hérisson Related categories Toys for cats Toys KONG for cats Toys kong cats for cats Plush & Feather Toys for cats Plush & Feather Toys KONG for cats Plush & Feather Toys beige for cats Plush & Feather Toys brown for cats Plush & Feather Toys with catnip for cats Plush & Feather Toys plushies for cats Standard price 45kr. Autoship order How does it work? Save in your Autoship deliveries! + info -5% available We recommend you see these alternatives with a delivery date confirmed by the supplier. - + Add to cart Save purchasing more than 1 unit Prices valid for today