Our specialist's review

By Oscar V.

Oscar V.

Choosing a home for your bird is crucial to ensure that it will have a happy life, as part of its happiness depends on the space it has to move around, so, as a general rule, you should multiply the size of your bird by 1.5 to obtain the minimum size of the cage.

The Vision Cage Model S01 is ideal for canaries, budgies and small birds because of its size.

Remember the importance of keeping the cage clean, and regularly changing the water and food.

Vision Cage Model S01

Vision® bird homes have many revolutionary design features that set it apart from traditional bird cages. Most cages come with pull-out drawers that fail to do a good job at collecting bird waste and create maintenance headaches as a result. Visi ... See full description


  • 45,5x35,5x51 cm 975kr. 2.143kr./M

Order 2 units, don't run out of it

  • x1 975kr. 975kr./unit
  • x2 -20kr. 1.931kr. 956kr. last unit
  • x3 -29kr. 2.896kr. 946kr. last unit
  • x5 -49kr. 4.826kr. 926kr. last unit

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Features Vision Cage Model S01

  • Reference080605832008
  • BrandVision
  • ColorsBlue, White
  • Bird TypeExotic Birds, Parakeets, Canaries
  • SizeMedium


  • jaulas_vision

Description Vision Cage Model S01

Customer Reviews Vision Cage Model S01

4 Stars | 5 reviews
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Espetacular, acabou o lixo pelo chão...


Está muy bien para una agaporni, se sube y se baja por la propia jaula, los barrotes son horizontales y le ayuda a agarrarse con el pico, a parte de que es muy alta.


Jaula ideal, de los sitios con mejor precio.

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