Home Birds Toys Vision L.W WOODEN COLLECTION 28 PC KIT PAJARO GRANDE 1 Vision Vision L.W WOODEN COLLECTION 28 PC KIT PAJARO GRANDE 1 Living World® Create Your Own Bird Toys is a do-it-yourself toy kit that lets you create your own bird toys. This is the perfect item for people who want to build custom-made toys specifically suited for their birds. The kit contains all you need ... See full description 232kr. Order 2 units, don't run out of it x1 232kr. 232kr./unit x2 -5kr. 459kr. 227kr. last unit x3 -7kr. 689kr. 225kr. last unit x5 -12kr. 1.148kr. 220kr. last unit Buy it with... Vitakraft Small Bars All Parakeets 2 15kr. Karlie Flamingo Interactive Toy for Birds Surtidos 35kr. Wuapu Calcium for Parrots 90 GR 20kr. Features Vision L.W WOODEN COLLECTION 28 PC KIT PAJARO GRANDE 1 Reference080605817319 BrandVision Description Vision L.W WOODEN COLLECTION 28 PC KIT PAJARO GRANDE 1 Customer Reviews Vision L.W WOODEN COLLECTION 28 PC KIT PAJARO GRANDE 1 Write a review Related categories Toys for birds Standard price 232kr. Autoship order How does it work? Save in your Autoship deliveries! + info -5% available We recommend you see these alternatives with a delivery date confirmed by the supplier. - + Add to cart Save purchasing more than 1 unit Prices valid for today