Home Birds Bird Food Psittacus Loris Gel Psittacus Psittacus Loris Gel 4 2 reviews Complete product, it is advisable to supply simultaneously with Loris nectar. It is suitable for most species of loris. These products are designed to be given in powder or aqueous suspension to adult psittacines of the subfamily lorinae (loris). The ... See full description Weight 1 Kg 219kr. 219kr./KG 5 KG 1.022kr. 204kr./KG Order 2 units, don't run out of it x1 219kr. 219kr./unit x2 -4kr. 434kr. 215kr. last unit x3 -7kr. 650kr. 212kr. last unit x5 -11kr. 1.084kr. 208kr. last unit x1 1.022kr. 1.022kr./unit x2 -20kr. 2.024kr. 1.002kr. last unit x3 -31kr. 3.035kr. 991kr. last unit Buy it with... Vitakraft Small Bars All Parakeets 2 15kr. Karlie Flamingo Interactive Toy for Birds Surtidos 35kr. Wuapu Calcium for Parrots 90 GR 20kr. Features Psittacus Loris Gel Reference8437002885724 Weight1 Kg, 5 KG BrandPsittacus Bird TypeLories Documents Ficha Tecnica Description Psittacus Loris Gel Customer Reviews Psittacus Loris Gel 4 Stars | 2 reviews 5 Stars 50% 4 Stars 0% 3 Stars 50% 2 Stars 0% 1 Stars 0% Write a review Reviews in other countries Mon couple de loriquet le laisse, préfère le nectar loris pourtant produit de bonne qualité ottimo prodotto. la mia Lucy lo adora. perfettamente digeribile, ottima miscela. profumata. lo ricomprerò sicuramente. Related categories Bird Food for birds Bird Food Psittacus for birds Bird Food lories for birds Standard price 219kr. Autoship order How does it work? Save in your Autoship deliveries! + info -5% In stock We recommend you see these alternatives with a delivery date confirmed by the supplier. - + Add to cart Exclusive online price Prices valid for today
ottimo prodotto. la mia Lucy lo adora. perfettamente digeribile, ottima miscela. profumata. lo ricomprerò sicuramente.