Home Birds Chickens Feeders and drinkers Ferplast trough Hopper Ferplast Ferplast trough Hopper DescriptionVery practical, this hopper feeder is suitable both for hens and chicks. It presents in fact a food level regulation system allowing your pets an easy access: low food level is ideal for hens, high food level is ideal for chicks. Hen Feede ... See full description Check availability Notify me Order 2 units, don't run out of it Buy it with... Vitakraft Small Bars All Parakeets 2 15kr. Karlie Flamingo Interactive Toy for Birds Surtidos 35kr. Kiki Botes Arena pura y blanca arena de cuarzo y conchilla de ostras molida al anís 2 KG 34kr. Features Ferplast trough Hopper Reference8010690132297 BrandFerplast CharacteristicsSoil MaterialsPlastic TypeFeeder Description Ferplast trough Hopper Customer Reviews Ferplast trough Hopper Write a review